MMC Benefits Handbook
Medical Supplies and Appliances
  • Birthing tub.
  • Cranial banding except when Medically Necessary for the treatment of plagiocephaly (head asymmetry) and craniosynostosis (abnormal head shape).
  • Devices and computers to assist in communication and speech except as described in Durable Medical Equipment (DME) and Supplies.
  • Devices used specifically as safety items or to affect performance in sports-related activities
  • Home testing devices and monitoring equipment except as specifically provided in the Durable Medical Equipment Benefits.
  • Oral appliances for snoring.
  • Over-the-counter medical equipment or supplies such as saturation monitors, prophylactic knee braces, and bath chairs that can be purchased without a prescription even if a prescription has been ordered.
  • Prescribed or non-prescribed medical supplies and some disposable supplies. Examples include:
    • Elastic stockings
    • Ace bandages
    • Gauze and dressings
  • Orthotic appliances that straighten or re-shape a body part (including some types of braces)
  • Tubings, nasal cannulas, connectors and masks are not covered except when used with durable medical equipment
  • Tubings and masks except when used in association with durable medical equipment.
  • Repair or replacement of DME or orthotics due to misuse, malicious damage or gross neglect or to replace lost or stolen items.