MMC Benefits Handbook
What Is Not Covered
The Business Travel Accident Insurance benefit covers only a loss from an accidental injury that happens while you are on a Company-approved business trip. The Plan doesn't cover any loss related to:
- the medical or surgical treatment of sickness, disease, mental incapacity or bodily infirmity whether the loss results directly or indirectly from treatment.
- suicide or attempted suicide or intentionally self-inflicted injury or any attempt at self-inflicted injury or auto-eroticism.
- declared or undeclared war or any act of declared war or undeclared war except as outlined.
- infections of any kind regardless of how contracted, except bacterial infections that are directly caused by botulism, ptomaine poisoning or an accidental cut or wound independent and in the absence of any underlying sickness, disease or condition including but not limited to diabetes
The Plan also has some aircraft and flying restrictions. The types of air travel not covered by the Plan are:
- while you are acting as a pilot, operator or a crewmember of any aircraft.
- The Insurer shall not be deemed to provide cover and the Insurer shall not be liable to pay any claim or provide any benefit hereunder to the extent that the provision of such cover, payment of such claim or provision of such benefit would expose the Insurer, its parent company or its ultimate controlling entity to any sanction, prohibition or restriction under United Nations resolutions or the trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the European Union or the United States of America.
To be covered, the loss has to occur within 365 days of the accident.
If several employees or covered persons are involved in a common accident, is my benefit affected?
If more than one covered person is involved in the same accident, the Plan's payment is limited to $50,000,000 for all covered persons involved in the accident.
If the Plan's normal payments would be more than this limit, benefits for all affected covered persons are decreased proportionately, so the total benefit paid does not exceed $50,000,000.
Covered Travel
Does the Business Travel Accident Insurance cover commuting to and from work?
Your Business Travel Accident Insurance provides coverage for accidents that happen while you commute to and from work in your home country.
When does coverage begin and end for a business trip?
When you leave on a business trip, you are covered:
- from the time you leave home or your regular workplace to begin the trip, whichever occurs last.
- until you return home or to your workplace, whichever you reach first.
Does the Plan cover personal travel?
The Plan covers personal deviation & sojourn travel as long as it is in conjunction with a business trip.