MMC Benefits Handbook
Death Before a 409A SRP Benefit Commences
This sub-section describes the survivor benefit that will pay to an Eligible Survivor if you die before a 409A SRP Benefit commences.
If you accrued a Grandfathered SRP Benefit prior to January 1, 2005 and you are married to an eligible opposite-sex Spouse when you die, different rules apply to the grandfathered portion of your vested SRP benefit. See "Grandfathered Survivor Benefit" and "Electing a Single Sum Survivor Benefit for a Grandfathered SRP Benefit."
The SRP pays a Survivor Benefit upon your death if you have a vested 409A SRP benefit or you have an Eligible Survivor.
The SRP does not pay a Survivor Benefit upon your death if you do not have a vested 409A SRP Benefit or you do not have an Eligible Survivor at the time of your death.