MMC Benefits Handbook
Filing Claims
How do I file a claim?
If you are using an in-network dentist, MetLife Dental pays your dentist directly. You don't have to file a claim.
If you are not using an in-network dentist, you or your dentist will have to submit a claim to MetLife Dental for processing. You have to file the claim within 12 months after the date of service; otherwise, you will not receive reimbursement.
Note: If a claim is submitted by a participating dentist without an employee's signature or signature on file authorizing MetLife to pay the dentist, payment will be issued to the employee.
Where do I get a claim form?
You can get a claim form from:
MetLife Dental
P.O. Box 981282
El Paso, TX 79998-1282
+1 800 942 0854 (Enter "Marsh McLennan" in the Account Sign in box for your company name when prompted. Then click Forms and then click Dental Benefits.)
When will I receive the payment after I submit my claim?
Once you submit the claim, it takes MetLife Dental about 10 business days to process the claim and transmit payment, if any, to your dentist.
Who receives the payment?
If you are using an in-network dentist, MetLife Dental pays your dentist directly.
If you are using an out-of-network dentist, you can have benefits paid to you or directly to your dentist. To have the benefits paid to your dentist, sign the assignment section of the claim form.
Note: If a claim is submitted by a participating dentist without an employee's signature or signature on file authorizing MetLife to pay the dentist, payment will be issued to the employee