MMC Benefits Handbook
The Plan at a Glance
The Legal Assistance Plan offers you access to professional legal representation through a panel of network attorneys for a variety of issues. The chart below contains some important program features. For more information, see "How the Plan Works."
Plan Feature
How the Plan Works
  • This Plan gives you and your family access to professional legal representation through a panel of network attorneys for issues ranging from consumer protection to family law to wills and estate planning. Or you may use an out-of-network attorney and be reimbursed according to a set fee schedule.
  • The Plan is administered by MetLife Legal Plans.
  • See "How the Plan Works" for details.
Employee Eligibility
Family Eligibility
  • Once you enroll in the Legal Assistance Plan your eligible family members are automatically enrolled.
  • Additional services are available to individuals not defined as eligible family members for an additional fee.
  • See "Participating in the Plan" for details.
Contact Information
For more information, contact:
MetLife Legal Plans, Inc.
1111 Superior Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44114 2507
Phone: +1 800 225 2265, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern time.
Website: or go to Colleague Connect at Click Pay & Benefits and select Mercer Voluntary Benefits under Benefits.
Marsh McLennan does not administer this plan. MetLife Legal Plans' decisions are final and binding.