MMC Benefits Handbook
Commuter Cards
Transit and Parking funds are loaded onto one card and are stored as separate buckets of transit and parking funds. The Commuter Card delivers savings and convenience when you pay for eligible transit and parking expenses as part of your commute. You can elect Transit and/or Parking to be loaded to your Commuter Card via or by contacting customer service at +1 877 924 3967, 24/7 (excluding Federal holidays).
Your Commuter Card is valid at providers that accept VISA credit or debit cards. Your card is only valid for eligible transit and parking expenses under IRS rules. Please keep in mind that under the IRS rules for Commuter plans, the allowed spend is different for transit then it is for parking. For transit funds, the total cost of your purchase will be deducted from the available pre-tax dollars and then if needed and available from your post tax dollars. Parking funds will only allow you to spend up to the pre-tax limit ($325 in 2025) in a calendar month regardless of the amount of pre-tax dollars in your parking funding.
In the event that you leave the Company, there is a special rule for transit funding that allows you to spend down the transit funding on your Commuter Card for 90 days before the transit funding is turned off. Once the parking funding on the Commuter Card is turned off, any pre-tax dollars will be forfeited. The parking funds on the Commuter Card are required to be turned off and any pre-tax dollars forfeited as of the day HealthEquity is notified of your departure from the Company.
Commuter Card to Credit
If you have unused pre-tax Commuter Card funds, you can remove funds from your commuter card (transit and/or parking wallet) and convert those pre-tax funds into a pre-tax credit. After funds are converted into a pre-tax credit, those credits will offset your payroll deduction for a future transit and/or parking order up to the pre-tax maximum.
You must have these funds applied to your HealthEquity Card.
You cannot move funds that have not yet been posted to your HealthEquity Card.
How do I perform this process in HealthEquity's website?
- Choose the `Program Details' option from the member portal dashboard.
- Click on `Commuter Card Balance to Credit Conversion' link.
- Add the amount to the `Funds to Use for Commuter Orders' under the `Use Pre-Tax Transit Balance' section you wish to pull funds from.
- Confirm the request on the `Review Request' screen.
- Submit the request.
Are the credit funds available immediately?
Once you submit the request, there is a 2-3 business day period for funds to be deducted from your card balance and converted to credit.
Do I have to move all the money from an existing funded account when requesting credit?
You can custom create the credit amount you want, up to the maximum allowed per month, which is $325 for both parking and transit in 2025.
How is the credit applied?
When you make a new commuter order, the credit that was created will offset your payroll deductions for future benefit month orders.
NOTE: Per IRS regulation, transfer of funds only applies to pre-tax funds and cannot be used for post-tax.
In the event that you leave the Company, there is a special rule for transit funding that allows you to spend down the transit funding on your Commuter Card for 90 days before the transit funding is turned off. Once the parking funding on the Commuter Card is turned off, any pre-tax dollars will be forfeited. The parking funds on the Commuter Card are required to be turned off and any pre-tax dollars forfeited as of the day HealthEquity is notified of your departure from the Company.
Commuter credits are immediately forfeited upon termination from employment.