MMC Benefits Handbook
How to Apply
An announcement containing procedural information and an electronic application is posted to Colleague Connect each August or September. This announcement will outline the application due date for that year and can also be found under the Scholarship Program section Scholarship Program of the Career & Rewards Additional Perks page on Colleague Connect.
To participate, the student must take the PSAT/NMSQT qualifying test during the proper year in high school. In general, students who are completing grades 9 through 12 in the usual four years must be in the third (junior/grade 11) year when they take the PSAT/NMSQT.
How will I be notified about the status of my child's application?
Marsh McLennan Social Impact Department will send you:
Applicants who advance in the program will be contacted by his/her high school guidance counselor on or before December 31st of the high school student's fourth (senior/grade 12) year.
The National Merit Scholarship Corporation handles all phases of the program, including the selection of winners and the terms and payment of scholarship stipends.
Is there an appeals process if my child isn't awarded a scholarship?
No, if your child doesn't attain finalist standing, there is no appeals process. The Marsh McLennan Scholarships are awarded at the sole discretion of the National Merit Scholarship Corporation and its decision is final.
If my child isn't awarded a scholarship this year, can he/she reapply the following year?
No. Only high school students in their 11th grade year are eligible for the program.