MMC Benefits Handbook
Rehired by the Company
Rehired Within 30 Calendar Days of Your Termination Date in the Same Calendar Year
If you are rehired within 30 calendar days of your termination date in the same calendar year, all pre-tax benefit elections are reinstated automatically at prior coverage levels and contribution amounts, provided you previously met the full waiting period. You must make new post-tax benefit elections within 30 calendar days of rehire. Prior coverage levels for the Life Insurance and Disability Plans will be approved without satisfying evidence of insurability (EOI) requirements, provided you previously met the full waiting period. Prior days of service will not count toward the waiting period.
Rehired Within 30 Calendar Days of Your Termination Date in a Different Calendar Year
If you are rehired within 30 calendar days of your termination date in a different calendar year, you must make new pre-tax and post-tax benefit elections within 30 calendar days of rehire. Prior coverage levels for the Life Insurance and Disability Plans will be approved without satisfying EOI requirements, provided you previously met the full waiting period. Prior days of service will not count toward the waiting period.
Rehired After 30 Calendar Days from Your Termination Date in the Same or Different Calendar Year
If you are rehired after 30 calendar days from your termination date within the same or different calendar year, you must make new pre-tax and post-tax benefit elections within 30 calendar days of rehire. You will be treated as a "new hire" for purposes of satisfying EOI requirements for the Life Insurance and Disability Plans. Prior coverage levels and contribution amounts will not be reinstated. You must meet the full waiting period before coverage is effective, even if you previously met it in full. Prior days of service will not count toward the waiting period.
Note: In all cases if you did not meet the full waiting period prior to termination, you must satisfy the new waiting period starting from your rehire date. You must make new pre-tax and post-tax benefit elections within 30 calendar days of rehire. You will be treated as a "new hire" for purposes of satisfying EOI requirements for the Life Insurance and Disability Plans. Prior coverage levels and contribution amounts will not be reinstated. Prior days of service will not count toward the waiting period.
Enrollment in the Legal Assistance Plan can be at any time and coverage stays in affect through the plan year which ends December 31. Once you are enrolled, your coverage conveniently carries over every calendar year unless you want to make a change. Coverage can be cancelled during annual enrollment by electing to waive coverage.
If you are rehired within three months of your termination of employment, the Company does not treat this as a termination of employment. If you have taken a distribution from your Marsh & McLennan Companies 401(k) Savings & Investment Plan, MMA 401(k) Savings & Investment Plan, Supplemental Savings & Investment Plan, or Employee Stock Purchase Plan, or begun payments from the US Retirement Program, the distributions or payments will need to be paid back to the plan.
If a retiree is rehired as a regular employee after at least a three-month break in service, any retirement benefits will cease for the duration of his or her reemployment.
What happens if you are eligible for retiree medical coverage, terminate and are later rehired as a regular employee?
Retired/Terminated Post-3/31/2010
If you are eligible for retiree medical coverage, terminate and are later rehired as a regular employee, you will retain your eligibility to immediately elect or defer participation in retiree medical coverage when you terminate again from the Company.
If you elected retiree medical coverage prior to rehire, your retiree medical coverage is suspended upon rehire. When you subsequently terminate, you:
- will automatically resume your previous coverage, or
- you can make a new election upon termination (plan choice or adding eligible family members).
If you decide to cancel your retiree medical coverage, you will not have the opportunity to re-enroll at a later date.
If you were eligible for the Company-subsidized retiree medical coverage when you terminated, and
- you are still covered on the date you are rehired, your Company retiree medical coverage will be suspended upon rehire, but you will retain your eligibility for the Company-subsidized retiree medical coverage when you subsequently terminate from the Company. Upon rehire, you once again accrue eligibility service towards the Company-subsidy, potentially resulting in a lower premium due to a greater subsidy amount upon your subsequent termination.
- you did not elect the coverage, you will retain your eligibility to immediately elect or defer participation in retiree medical coverage and eligibility for the Company-subsidized retiree medical coverage when you subsequently terminate from the Company. Upon rehire, you once again accrue eligibility service towards the Company-subsidy, potentially resulting in a lower premium due to a greater subsidy amount upon your subsequent termination.
- you dropped the coverage prior to the date you are rehired, you will be eligible to immediately elect or defer participation in retiree medical coverage, but you will not retain your eligibility for the Company-subsidized retiree medical coverage when you subsequently terminate from the Company.
If you were eligible for the unsubsidized retiree medical coverage when you terminated, you will retain your eligibility for the unsubsidized retiree medical coverage when you subsequently terminate from the Company.
If you were not eligible for retiree medical coverage when you terminated, you will not be eligible for the Company-subsidized retiree medical coverage upon rehire. However, upon rehire, you will accrue service towards the eligibility for unsubsidized retiree medical coverage (prior service and new service will be used to determine eligibility). If you meet the retiree medical coverage eligibility requirements at the time of your subsequent termination, you will be eligible to participate in unsubsidized retiree medical coverage.
Retired/Terminated Pre-4/1/2010
If you are eligible for retiree medical coverage, terminate and are later rehired as a regular employee, you will retain your eligibility for retiree medical coverage when you terminate again from the Company as long as you meet the eligibility requirements applicable to you at the time of your subsequent termination.
If you were eligible for the Company-subsidized retiree medical coverage when you terminated, and
- you are still covered on the date you are rehired, your Company retiree medical coverage will be suspended upon rehire, but you will retain your eligibility for the Company-subsidized retiree medical coverage when you subsequently terminate from the Company.
- you dropped the coverage prior to the date you are rehired or did not elect the coverage, you will not retain your eligibility for the Company-subsidized retiree medical coverage when you subsequently terminate from the Company. However, you will be eligible to participate in unsubsidized retiree medical coverage and, if this coverage is elected, you will pay the full monthly cost for coverage based on the current Company Retiree Medical Plan's group rates in effect.
If you were eligible for the unsubsidized retiree medical coverage when you terminated, you will retain your eligibility for the unsubsidized retiree medical coverage when you subsequently terminate from the Company.
What happens if you are eligible for Company-subsidized retiree medical coverage, terminate and are later rehired as a regular employee?
Retired/Terminated Post-3/31/2010
If you were eligible for the Company-subsidized retiree medical coverage when you terminated, and you are still covered on the date you are rehired, your Company retiree medical coverage will be suspended upon rehire, but you will retain your eligibility for the Company-subsidized retiree medical coverage when you subsequently terminate from the Company. Upon rehire, you once again accrue eligibility service towards the Company-subsidy potentially resulting in a lower premium due to a greater subsidy amount upon your subsequent termination.
Retired/Terminated Pre-4/1/2010
If you are eligible for Company-subsidized retiree medical coverage, terminate (but are not retirement eligible) and are later rehired as a regular employee, you will not be eligible for Company-subsidized retiree medical coverage when you subsequently terminate from the Company. However, you will be eligible to participate in unsubsidized retiree medical coverage as long as you meet the eligibility requirements applicable to you at the time of your subsequent termination, and, if this coverage is elected, you will pay the full monthly cost for coverage based on the current Company Retiree Medical Plan's group rates in effect.
What happens if you are eligible for retiree medical coverage, terminate and are later rehired as a temporary employee?
Retired/Terminated Post-3/31/2010
If you are eligible for retiree medical coverage, terminate, elect Company retiree medical coverage, are later rehired as a temporary employee and are still covered on the date you are rehired:
- your Company Pre-65 retiree medical coverage will continue as long as you pay the required premiums.
- your Company Post-65 retiree medical coverage will automatically be suspended until such time you subsequently terminate your employment.
If you are eligible for retiree medical coverage, terminate, are later rehired as a temporary employee and you did not elect Company retiree medical coverage prior to the date you are rehired, you will be eligible for unsubsidized retiree medical coverage at the time of your subsequent termination of employment.
If you are eligible for retiree medical coverage, terminate, are later rehired as a temporary employee and you dropped your retiree medical coverage prior to the date you are rehired, you will be eligible for unsubsidized retiree medical coverage if you meet the eligibility requirements applicable to you at the time of your subsequent termination of employment.
Retired/Terminated Pre-4/1/2010
If you are eligible for retiree medical coverage, terminate, elect Company retiree medical coverage, are later rehired as a temporary employee and are still covered on the date you are rehired:
- your Company Pre-65 retiree medical coverage will continue as long as you pay the required premiums.
- your Company Post-65 retiree medical coverage will automatically be suspended until such time you subsequently terminate your employment.
If you are eligible for retiree medical coverage, terminate, are later rehired as a temporary employee and either did not elect Company retiree medical coverage or dropped the coverage prior to the date you are rehired, you will be eligible for unsubsidized retiree medical coverage if you meet the eligibility requirements applicable to you at the time of your subsequent termination of employment.